Sensory and Audiovisual Ethnography Workshop
Workshop: Sensory ethnography and the intersection of security, religion and urban space
7-8 June, 2021, 14:00-17:00 CET (online)
The goal of this workshop is to demonstrate and explore new possibilities for the collection, interpretation and analysis of sensory and audiovisual data in the context of critical security research and research on religion and urban space. The intention is to make the workshop participatory and reflexive by reserving plenty of time for discussion, thoughts and questions, and also by gathering feedback from the guest speakers on the proposals of the SACRASEC team members. At the end of each workshop day we will wrap up by reflecting on the general challenges of doing sensorial ethnography in an urban context. We invited speakers to submit a piece of their work (article, short video, blog, sound recording, etc.) that highlights how they engage with sensory ethnography. These pieces will serve as preparation and input for the Q&A.We intend to keep the workshop intimate, but we are open to inviting other early career researchers in our networks who may benefit from these discussions. The workshop will be held online, in the MS Teams environment. Speakers and participants will receive an individual access link.
Workshop program:
Monday June 7, 2021, 14:00-17:00 CET
Moderator – Andy Fuller, Utrecht University
14:00-14:10 Word of welcome by the organizers
14:10-14:30 Introduction of the SACRASEC research project (by Martijn Oosterbaan) 14:30-15:00 Presentation by Laura Keesman, University of Amsterdam (Q&A led by Lotje Krouwel)
15:00-15:30 Presentation by Veronika Kusumaryati, Harvard University and University of Georgetown (Q&A led by Zaki Arrobi)
BREAK 20 min.
15:50-16:20 Presentation by Jena Seiler, Kentucky College of Art and Design (Q&A led by Andy Fuller)
16:20-16:35 Presentation by Jolien van Veen, Utrecht University
16:35-16:50 Plenary discussion and wrapping up
Tuesday June 8, 2021, 14:00-17:00 CET
Moderator – Kyra Lenting, Utrecht University
14:00-14:10 Opening by the organizers
14:10-14:30 Presentation by Lotje Krouwel, Utrecht University
14:30:15:00 Presentation by Alana Osbourne, Université Libre de Bruxelles (Q&A led by Jolien van Veen)
15:00-15:30 Presentation by Benjamin Tausig, Stony Brook University (Q&A led by Martijn Oosterbaan)
BREAK 20 min.
15:50-16:20 Presentation by James Edmonds, Arizona State University (Q&A led by Zaki Arrobi)
16:20-16:35 Presentation by Zaki Arrobi, Utrecht University
16:35-16:50 Presentation by Andy Fuller, Utrecht University, and Ahmad Tri Hawaari 16:50-17:00 Plenary discussion and wrapping up